This toolkit is the outcome of a partnership between Namahn and Flanders DC.
Namahn is a design firm specializing in the design of digital products and services, such as self-service kiosks, e-government and knowledge bases. The needs and requirements of the end users are always taken as the starting point, and the aim is to make those products and services as user-friendly as possible. Namahn also hosts Service Design training sessions at their studios in Brussels.
Flanders DC can help you in your search for designers, for instance by supplying you with a service design coach, who helps you through the service design process, or with designers who take care of the design briefing. During an initial meeting, Flanders DC’ advisors look with you at the type of designer you want, what the assignment will entail, what the expected results are, etc. they also provide additional advice on the contracts, ways of working together, patents, model protections, and so on.
The toolkit was translated into English and launched via the European SPIDER project. This Interreg IVB NWE project aims to use service design to activate young people on the labor market, to let elderly live independently for longer, and to create a culture change within local authorities. SPIDER clusters and distributes knowledge on service design transnationally between 10 partners based in the UK, Ireland, France and Belgium.
The first version of the toolkit was created in cooperation with Yellow Window (a department of Enthoven Associates NV) and Flanders DC. You can still order the English version on this website. The first version of the Dutch toolkit is published by Politeia Uitgeverij and can be ordered via